How to clean your gym equipment

Ever since the onset of the pandemic, people have become much more careful about the items and equipment they use and handle throughout the day. The same care and consideration are being translated into gym equipment as well. Even without the threat of germs, regularly cleaning your equipment only lengthens its shelf life - you'll be able to keep up the maintenance of your equipment, and you'll avoid the germs as well!


Contrary to what you may assume, wiping down your equipment with a clean towel may not always be enough to rid your equipment of most germs. In that case, here is a guide to cleaning your gym equipment!



Dumbbells and weights are the equipment you most likely handle multiple times throughout your session. As such, they are likely to have the largest accumulation of germs. To keep your weights clean, make a solution with two drops of soap and two quarts of water - mix it up so it forms a soapy liquid. Then, use a cloth to saturate and clean the weights with your solution completely. For areas that your cloth can't reach, use a small toothbrush in between the grooves. Lastly, dry the equipment to reduce the risk of rust in the future. 


Gym mats 

Gym mats are another commonly used piece of equipment, particularly if you're into yoga or pilates. Thus, they can turn out to be as dirty and germ-infested as weights if not cleaned properly and regularly. While disinfecting your mat with a sanitizer is a given, here's a better solution: mix one part water, one part vinegar, and a couple of drops of tree oil. Use this solution to dampen your mat, and use a dry cloth to wipe it down. If your mats are particularly unclean, first try using dish soap and water to clean them up before using the solution. And you're all done! Let your mat air dry before using it again.


Electronic equipment 

Electronic equipment may be trickier to clean, but that doesn't mean you should skip out on this part. First and foremost, make sure your machines are unplugged - the last thing you need is an accident you could have easily avoided. Then, use a mixture of water and dish soap to clean all the non-electric areas. Remember to wipe it dry before moving on to the electric areas! When brushing the electronic areas, make sure your cloth is completely wrung free of excess moisture, and carefully clean the area. Last but not least, wipe everything dry before moving on. 


Our services 

Cleaning up your gym equipment is no easy task. It can be a grueling task, and you might be more interested in using the equipment than cleaning it anyway. That's exactly what we offer - less time spent cleaning and more time at the gym for you! Check out our cleaning services here for efficient cleaning with the best equipment!


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